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Rental Payments - How it works (Tenants)

A guide to Rental Payments for Tenants on RentBetter

Updated over 6 months ago

Rent payment terms are agreed upon by both parties when signing the lease agreement and are saved in RentBetter. You can easily view your rent schedule details via the rental payments page inside your tenant account.

Find out more about how payments work on the platform below.

In this article:

How Payments Work as a RentBetter Tenant

There are two ways you can pay your rent to your landlord or rental provider, either through or outside the platform. If your lease has payments set up to run through the platform, you will be directed to add a payment method to your account to make those payments.

1. Through the RentBetter Platform

Automatic Payments: Payments are made according to the schedule and RentBetter automatically deducts the rent from your account when it is due.

When a payment is processed successfully, it is receipted automatically and you'll be able to download a copy of the receipt and ledger via your rental payments page.

2. Outside the Platform

Manual Payments: If your rental provider has not set up platform payments, they will have provided you with details to make the payments directly to their account.

Your Payment Schedule

Your rental payments are scheduled based on the terms of your lease agreement. For example, if your rent is due weekly, fortnightly, or monthly, the platform will automatically calculate and schedule the payments accordingly.

Payments are typically processed a few days before the due date to ensure they arrive on time.

You can view your rental payment schedule anytime by logging into your account and navigating to the rental payments page. This page provides details on all payment periods, due dates, amounts, and any outstanding payments.

Payment Processing

If your payments are set up through the platform, they will be processed automatically and you can view the payment debit dates via the 'Processing' column on the schedule.

To ensure payments arrive on the due date, the system will run payments slightly early to allow the funds to settle in your rental provider's account by the morning of the due date. An email and SMS are sent ahead of the first payment outlining the schedule and payment dates as a reminder.

Making changes to processing:

If you need to make changes to the payment processing date, you or your rental provider can contact our team and we'll be able to help further.

Payment failures:

If a payment fails (e.g. due to insufficient funds), the system will notify you and automatically attempt to reprocess the payment the following day. It’s important to rectify any issues quickly to avoid accumulating unpaid rent.

Early Payments:

If you wish to pay your rent ahead of schedule, the platform also supports early payments. This can be useful if you want to stay ahead of your rent obligations and you can use the 'Pay now' buttons next to each payment period to make a payment at any time.

Receipts and Documentation:

After each payment is successful or your rental provider has marked it as paid, a receipt will be generated and available for download through your account.

Payment History

You can view your payment history and upcoming payments via your rental payments page. This allows you to track what has been paid and see any pending transactions.

To see the history of a particular payment you can click on the line of the transaction and it will bring up a panel on the right to view the detail.

To download a copy of your tenant ledger you can do so by clicking on the 'Export schedule' button at the top right.

To download a copy of an individual receipt, click on the blue 'Download' button next to the line of the payment.

General FAQs

How can I update the payment processing date?

To update the date that your payments are processed, please get in contact with your rental provider or reach out to our team and we can help further.

What do I do if my rental payment fails?

If your payment has failed, then it will run again automatically the following business day. The system will try up to four times to process each payment.

If your payment has failed more than four times and you would like to process it again you can visit your rental payments page to take this step by clicking on the failed notification to bring up the 'Pay now' button.

I have the funds in my account - Why was payment was unsuccessful?

When a payment is unsuccessful, it's typically due to insufficient funds or incorrect account details. For payments to succeed, the account must be a normal everyday transaction account (not a special savings account), and sufficient funds must be available before the payment runs.

If you have any questions about your payments, please reach out to our team and we can help further.

How can I update my payment method?

To update your payment method you should visit the rental payments page inside your account and click on the 'Update payment method' button on the top right.

You will be prompted to enter the new details and verify them. Once verified you will receive confirmation via email of the updated details and be able to view them on the rental payments page.

Need further assistance?

Have more questions about rental payments? Reach out to our friendly team via the support chat or email and we’ll be happy to help.

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