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Lodging a Bond in QLD

Bond Lodgement process in Queensland (QLD)

Updated over 6 months ago

A rental bond is a security deposit paid at the start of the tenancy.

If the property manager/owner takes a bond, they must give the tenant a receipt and lodge it with the RTA within 10 days. It is an offence not to do so.

A rental bond is lodged with the RTA Web Services, or by post, using a Bond lodgement Form only if you can not lodge online.

The bond is paid back to the tenant when the property is vacated, provided no money is owed for rent, damages or other costs.

Before you begin to lodge your bond online you will need:

  • Your QGov login details (or create a QGov account)

  • The rental property address

  • Names and unique email addresses for all tenants

  • Your credit/debit card for payment

  • The property's bond number (for bond increases only).

How to lodge the Bond in QLD:

1. Accept T&C’s

You will first need to accept RTA’s Terms and Conditions to receive electronic notifications about lodging your bond online.

2. Register

You will then need to register with QGov here if you haven't already and provide state-issued identification. Your digital identity will need to be verified through the Queensland Government’s QGov service.

3. Complete Lodgement Form

You will then need to complete an online Bond Lodgement Form. It can be helpful to refer to the lease agreement when completing the form. You will also need:

  • 100 points of Australian-issued ID

  • Phone number

In this form, you will list your tenant as a ‘bond contributor’. They will receive an email to verify their identity and confirm their association with the property.

4. Pay the bond

The rental bond or bond increase can be paid online by credit card, debit card or by BPAY. It must be paid in one single payment by the person lodging the bond online. Payment by credit/debit card will generate a real-time receipt which can be used to confirm the bond or bond increase has been lodged.

Payment via BPAY will not generate a receipt at the time of payment. For new bond lodgements, tenants listed as bond contributors will receive an email to verify their identity and association to the rental property.

For bond increases, tenants will be sent an email request for updated details. Once the payment has cleared, an acknowledgement of the rental bond containing a bond number will be sent to all parties listed as bond contributors

How much can be taken as the bond?

For general tenancies, the law says if the rent is $700 or less per week, the maximum bond amount is 4 weeks' rent.

If the weekly rent is higher than $700, the amount of the bond should be negotiated between the property manager/owner and tenant. The law gives no maximum amount where the weekly rent is higher than $700.

For moveable dwelling tenancies, the maximum bond is the same as 2 weeks' rent, or if the electricity is connected to the premises in the owner’s name, 3 weeks' rent.

The maximum amounts stated in the Act apply to all bonds, no matter what they are called (e.g. pet bond) or how many bonds are taken.

For help or further information:

Phone the RTA’s Contact Centre on 1300 366 311 between 8.30am and 5pm weekdays, or email

Information sourced from and is correct as at 09/07/21

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